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Thursday, February 3, 2011

1 February 2011 - Faith brings about miracles

Hola familia!

Estoy muy contenta y mi companera tambien. Ella apenas recibio un e-mail de su mama. La primera que se mama ha escrito. Sweet! (JJ, please translate)

Well. First of all. Tell everyone THANKS for the letters! You all rock. I have so many that I'm now stressed about writing back -- and so I might just sit you down later and answer the questions in person, cool?
Especially a thanks to Tiff & Gma Barlow. They arrived the same day (feast or famine, no?) and they were such energizing awesome letters with love and excitement. I love you both so much!!

Happy, happy news: Hno B. Romero and Hna Magayon went to San Marcos on Friday and got married. Woot woot! Seriously a miracle as we talked of it when we first arrived and then didn't say anything. A very good sign. They didn't come to church but Vanessa is now reading the children's Book of Mormon in Spanish (it has pictures and is awesome. I totally want one.). Yeah! Last night Hna Stratton offered to bring more star stickers so they
can mark their chart. Vanessa's answer that made our hearts sing: "I don't think we need stickers because we're reading now." oh that's right! Ba ha. The whole point of the reinforcement was just shot down exactly as we
want it to be. We still don't quite know what Hno is missing that will make him avoid work on Sunday and bring his family :( But we keep searching! Last night as reinforcement for Vanessa's reading we watched a movie and ate popcorn in FHE. Super awesome.

I am SO SO happy to hear about your great FHE experience! Yeah!! I want to see that video so keep it on hand. I don't remember ever watching it. And Mena/Mina....we talked of dogs yesterday and I remembered faithful Mena/Mina. Loved her. We talked about temples in 2 of our 3 FHEs yesterday - I guess it was the theme in a few states :) Hna Alejandra Ramirez (less-active but I think we've helped her rekindle the fire and we might
have helped create a testimony/missionary monster ... yes.) shared a powerful testimony to Hna Bailon whose son is an RM and recent convert and whose mother is a staunch Catholic. We can see in Hna Bailon's eyes that
she is searching, but she feels stuck between a rock and a hard place (is that the English version? It's rock and wall in Spanish....) Then her son shared powerful testimony too. Hna Stratton and I didn't say much at all :)

We gave a church tour on Thursday. It worked out well even though we had some headaches beforehand. (Hna S more than I. I'm grateful for a relatively relaxed, even personality that I have now. Scott in Taiwan
mentioned it often. Never realized how I would need it later.) Hno R. Romero and his mom Hna Torres 'carried' Melissa and us to and from the church. We explained some things and just helped them acclimate themselves
to the building. Hno still goes to the desert each weekend but we have a secret card we'll use this week -- a picture of a desert inside the temple! It struck Hna Stratton strongly during weekly planning as she too feels very
close to God in the desert. I just LOVE the temple. We should be able to go this month. Sweet! One 2011 goal is to attend the temple at least once each month....there aren't any in Thailand, are there? I'm thinking no.
What's the nearest one then? Oh and Melissa was really nervous but she came and was a good sport. We'll see her again tonight. We just love her. Hopefully....well, hopefully she'll be converted soon and get baptized and confirmed. Ha ha. That is the overall goal.

Other happy things: well. Missionary life is just great. Often it is hard to condense and summarize it into words for you guys or for my journal. I hope you can feel some of the spirit of it as JJ and Dad talk of their missions and you read some of my experiences. It is just absolutely incredible to be so focused on the work of the Lord. Hna Stratton and I are realizing what a blessing it is because now we have this strong foundation so we can be faithful members all our lives and help others to learn, grow, and progress. I KNOW Jesus Christ lives and guides His church through prophets and apostles. I am so grateful for my knowledge. And I'm grateful to all of you for all you've done and continue to do so that I am who I am with this strong testimony. I know God has a plan for each of us - that's a lesson I've learned on the mission. I look back and clearly see how certain things needed to happen or be learned before other things could come about. And we are working even harder now to give our hearts and maintain our faith so that miracles can truly happen in this branch. Just the other night we found 2 or 3 girls who are interested in attending YW activities. That doubles the amount! Woot woot. We will keep pressing forward "in the service of our Lord" (- a song for the mission written by Pres & Sis Brady).

I also LOVE church because I walk away refreshed and motivated. This week I had questions answered and felt the love of the members, even though they are few. It is such a blessing to go to one of the Lord's buildings EACH
week to partake of the sacrament. I love it.

I love you all very, very much. This week was pretty great and the next will be too because I have you backing me up.

Hna Green

Funny: I received a haircut last Tues and it did not turn out as I wanted - much much shorter. But Diane was very nice and we chatted it up. She felt bad and enjoyed talking to me so didn't charge me :) I just gave her a tip. She's from Vietnam and told me to come back and visit. I probably will :)

Also, I GAVE my first haircut last week. To Hna Stratton. Just a little trim. It was nerve wracking but fun. And it looks good. :) Yes, I have photos. (JJ -- I almost said "took out fotos" ja ja)

PS We found a service opportunity doing manual labor outside at the Boys and Girls Club. So super awesome! We'll get dirty and work with muscles and help the community. We start this Wed and we're excited. And on Sat the branch president called us in as reinforcements and we helped clean the church building. It was very fun....and I got to wear jeans! First time in months, I believe.

Dad, I snapped a picture of the pickup and one with Hna Stratton by it but we won't be printing pics this week. Sorry. I didn't think to do it last week. Before we go I'll get a pic of myself by it. No worries. And another color of scarf...I don't know. (maybe a rich purple) I do know that she would really love a picture dictionary like Mom sent me for my that's a present option. And Hna Denker wrote me and mentioned that the cards are perfect. Thanks again! I was super confused about 23 Mar and why that is such an important day. ha ha. I figured it out. Your schedule does sound super crazy but it's great to have work!! And OK about Taiwan. I will definitely have to plan a trip solo to go there. I miss my friends! And the food and yeah. The wife of the ward mission leader served in the Kaohsiung mission about 3 years ago. Sweet!

Mom, speaking of Taiwan if you have a moment could you please send a quick e-mail to Scott and give him a touch of chastisement and invite him to communicate with me and let me know how things are? Thanks. And your
summary of the weekend made my heart sing and my mouth smile big. So happy you're nourishing each other 'with the good word of God'. It's awesome, isn't it?? I really like my mission president too, he he. You could always
send him a note and let him know. I know he would appreciate it. And his wife too. Duh, just realized I should've had you send a family Christmas card to them. Oops. This year. I'll enjoy the sunshine a little more today thinking of you guys in the freezing cold :) I still can't believe it is January sometimes. And then I look at the dead trees (weird contradiction to everything) or the calendar. Ha ha. Oh wait, we've now hit Feb. whatev.

JJ THANKS for the letter! You're fab. How goes the EMT class? I love ya! We're going to have to speak in Spanish basically every day because I don't want to lose it and it's so much fun!! PS Have you written or called
your converts and friends from the mission lately? Do it! --Will you this week? I know they'll be so grateful and you will too.

Chez You are just a rockin' example to me, ya know that? I love you tons. And I honestly don't know how late I'll be able to stay up but we can definitely have some little procrastinating chats. I'm excited. How was the dance?

Shantaye Glad the camera rocks and you had warm weather in NY. Super awesome. What is your favorite color these days? I'm super excited you are part of girl's choir this year. I'm sure it will be awesome. And you'll
be grateful later for your musical talent. Many people have felt the Spirit as my companion and I have sung the hymns.

Rosko - woof woof wut woof? But really, how is he? Better behaved?

EVERYONE 3 Nephi 11:38 The flip side is a true PROMISE The kingdom of God will be ours if we repent, are baptized, and become as little children. I know we can do it together! I love and thank you all.

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