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Friday, March 4, 2011

8 February 2011 - Thank you for walking down my street

Hola familia!
Muy buenos tardes. Que bueno que todos estan bien y felices. Nosotras tambien! Aunque hemos tenido un poco menos exito y algunas personas no estan actuando o progresando. Seguimos! Y aprendimos mucho.

Hey guess what - I just LOVE you guys!! Thanks for being so great. Fallbrook is just fine. It has been a touch warmer the past 2 days :) And last night I found out that avocadoes come out in April. Sweet. Today we are going to stop by a little house that is a gem and mineral musuem - cute and probably go to a park for some letter writing. Hna Stratton wants a break and relaxation. Me? Well, I'm pretty good.

And the subject line comes from a (rather) drunk gentleman last night who was out walking with his 6-yr-old twin girls. He was pretty fun. It's great the funny moments that we have in the mission..and in life!

Church was pretty interesting as it was our first week combined with an English ward. Now we have classes first and sacrament last. The biggest issue - the Hispanics arriving on time! It's going to take a few good months I feel. Most people were pretty ok with the changes. I think the parents were much more concerned than the kids were bothered. Kids are so flexible! Sadly, none of our investigators made it. Don't know why with Fam Romero and Melissa's work was the problem. sad. BUT! 2 inactive members showed up. Rosi and Victor Cardona. She is late 20s and he is 16. He has "muchas ganas" to return to activity so we're gonna do our part this transfer to help with that. And Victor shared his testimony which was pretty great. His 12-yr-old sister seems interested in learning...and she was never baptized. We shall see!

Sweet that mom could use the RS picture. Sorry you weren't invited Dad but that would just ruin things! ;) I printed a handful of the pictures and gave them to the presidency. They are going to matte them or something then give them to the sisters :) Fun fun. I just LOVE VT! On the mission (naturally) I have seriously seen the absolute necesity of doing home and visiting teaching. As our ward mission leader Hno Kolb says It's the glue that holds everything together! If we were 100% on visiting there would be such fewer less actives! And I still love the little branch. We're doing what we can to help and support them. No, the members don't feed us much. Not because they aren't willing but because Hno Kolb hasn't set up dinners for us. Rather frustrating. I'm probably going to jump the ropes and set some up again. I want to be with the members! (And I want good food :) Yesterday we went to the high councilman's home who visits and supports the ward. Hogans. WOW I want Grandma B to meet Hna Hogan. She made and decorated her whole house and it's fun. He is in the military and they've lived all over the world. She told me that Macchu Picchu is a MUST - it's on my list :D But yeah. Tasty food too.

Mission president: Pres. Bruce M. Cook Wife: Sis. Karla Cook. They are super fabulous. Right now they are getting ready to say goodbye to some missionaries and are welcoming others in!
Transfer day. And my package should be delivered to my leaders so it can arrive to me tomorrow. Sa-weet! I could use some love and goodies from home. OH! Happiness = I made a chocolate cake on Friday. Woo hoo. Later Hna Stratton helped me realize it was the first cake I've made from scratch. Fun. It turned out pretty tasty.

Well, I can't think of too many exciting things to share with you. Sorry! Things are pretty good but we'd like them to be even better. Fallbrook is great and we've had a few drives out to Rainbow and Oceanside. Fun fun! I'll work on the pic with me and the truck. No worries, pops.

Keep up the great work! You are super examples! I sure love you all TONS A great scripture I found today is in D + C 42:41. Simple, straightforward, and sweet. Do all things in purity before me. Yep, I can do that.

OH! Hna Stratton and I decided that one great lesson we learned last transfer was to be happy and content in the moment. We're still working to improve our ability at that but we have both come far. And we're happy. And we've set good goals for this transfer - 4 baptisms! Woot woot. Speaking of...the Lule baptism was going to happen this Sat and we had 2 investigators ready to go but then it was changed. Hopefully it happens Feb 20. I have no clue what is going on and it is a little frustrating.

Well, I just love you all lots! Keep being great. And keep reading, praying, and going to church. I KNOW they are the little basics that keep the testimony plant growing and flourishing and thus we are able to receive the guidance of the Holy Ghost to achieve eternal life. Woot woot! Awesome. The gospel rocks. Can ya feel it?

Love ya!!
Hermana Green

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