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Monday, January 31, 2011

25 January 2011 - The girls from the Bible are here.

Hola familia!
Muy buenos dias. Otra bonito dia hoy. Estoy feliz, contenta, y agredecida. You all rock!! Thanks for all the uplift and love. So...Hna Stratton received the scarf this morning. It was funny b/c I held onto the package thinking it was to me then looked down and saw it had her name on it. ha ha. But she was very excited. She said "it's my favorite color! Did you know that?" I said yes. She said "you're sly." Te he. She is actually wearing it right this moment. Very well done.
I'm super grateful that Hna Stratton is my companion. We've had one or two hard moments this past week but we are learning so much together and it is just fabulous. I wanted to make sure you knew that as I may have sounded a touch discouraged before. And mom, Hna Barnes was not transferred, she was part of the exchanges. I'm sorry I typed the wrong word and confused you.
Well. Today's subject line comes from Juan Ricardo as he called his sister to the door to talk with us. I was laughing and excited. We've been called "the hermanas" and "las muchachas" and "de la iglesia" but never "The girls from the Bible." te he he. We've had some fun experiences this week....and some tough ones.
Yesterday Hno B Romero told us he is not going to be baptized because his dad wants him to stay in the Catholic religion. Yeah, he is an adult man with 4 kids but family ties are strong. We'll see if he changes his mind as he continues reading, attending, and helping his two daughters prepare for baptism. we feel it is likely.
A neat moment on Sun night with a teenager (I forgot the word in English!) named Juan was when he asked "What has God done for you?" And I thought and then realized that the answer was "He's given me the Holy Ghost." How cool is that?! We've all received the gift of the H.G. The greatest gift God can give us. And with my time on the mission and my efforts to receive and follow the H.G. I KNOW it is the greatest gift. It will help us to develop Christlike attributes and align our will with God's -- our purpose in this life -- so that we can return and receive eternal life. So amazing! I love the gospel and I love our Savior Jesus Christ. And it's so great to be a missionary. 1 Nephi 6:4 called my attention (very Spanglish) this week. Nephi is great and I'm so grateful for the efforts of all the prophets.
Thanks for being such great examples to me. I hope you had a great FHE last night. We surely did. With Family Ramirez. One sister is RS pres and the other was but is now inactive but...she was at church! Sweet. We had a good visit on Sat and she told us she knows what she needs to do and that she needs to do it. We have a strong connection as our first visit was "mourning with those that mourn" and we've continued visiting our entire time here. So yeah. Last night we did trust falls and talked about faith. Osvaldo stole the show. He's a great, trusting 11-yr old. And he reminds me of Chez in some ways. Kind of a teddy bear image. I'll get a pic, don't worry. And I took a quick pic of the RS sisters this past Sunday. We had a pretty good turnout of 15 :) Now my request is that Mum take on of our ward and send it to me to show to them. How's that for a trade?
We had interviews with Pres. Cook on Fri and it was pretty great. I just wanted to know how to help him more. He turned it back and said "keep doing what you're doing." Smooth. I said my only concern was if I am a consecrated missionary or not because I feel that I haven't quite arrived there. He said "oh Hna Green, you are a consecrated misssionary." So that was good to hear. He also said in passing "I wish all my missionaries were as diligent as you." I just had to shrug and say "I don't know. I just am who I am." But don't worry fam, I'll keep working hard!! There are people to save.
Ha ha. Yesterday Hna Stratton and I talked about how truly this is an emergency situation and we are in the ambulance. And as we left the house she made ambulance noises :) Then as we knocked on a door we softly said "We're here to save you." And the best one I whispered to the door and the people behind it "Do you want to be saved?"
Sadly the cooking opportunity did not work out. We went over and they were home but not ready to cook. We talked for a bit and I was unhelpful because was just really disappointed. Hna Stratton did her best to testify and teach. And I meant that we did service for the son outside his house by helping him fill little pots with dirts as he is working to start up a nursery. I don't know what I say sometimes....just learn Spanish, ok? I'm going to come home and totally speak Spanglish. I hope you have dictionaries handy. And last night I realized the mission has better prepared me to be a mother and wife -- I'm ok with ironing (in fact I almost like it) and I really want to know how to cook. How great is that?! A little side benefit along with the other huge ones that I've received. Man. Life is great. MISSIONARY life is great!
So glad everyone is well, healthy (mostly) and busy. Dad, I didn't know Venezuela was that dangerous. Wow! Armored cars and special bodyguards. How fun. I guess you could say that I have angel bodyguards...
Oh yeah. Last week we had a district activity. Hna Stratton purchased Mouse Trap at the thrift store and I had so much fun playing it! But sadly we were missing crucial pieces like marbles. I was still able to catch the mouse a few times so I was super content. Te he. I was just going off and excited - apparently I needed a release. Who knows. I have a few pics that you'll receive..eventually.
Another scripture that I found that really helped me this week is in D&C 64:33. We can't tire of doing good! We are laying the foundations of a great work. And from little things God brings about great things. Like sharing your testimony, or belief statement, with someone. Like giving them a smile. Or a "thank you" verbally or written. It all makes a difference!! I love you and encourage you to do all of those things. You are the bestest family and I'm so grateful to have you supporting me.
Can you believe we'll give real hugs soon and not just virtual ones? I'm excited for that. And to come back so you can know all my friends and loved ones. And I'm excited for Thailand. Man, I have too many good things in life. (which isn't to say that I don't have any trials :)
I sure love you!! Keep up the great work as children and servants of God.
Hermana Green
PS JJ, I received your letter -- THANK YOU!! It was very good and uplifting.
Mom, the avocado is just as expensive in the stores here. Sad, huh?

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