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Monday, January 31, 2011

25 January 2011 - The girls from the Bible are here.

Hola familia!
Muy buenos dias. Otra bonito dia hoy. Estoy feliz, contenta, y agredecida. You all rock!! Thanks for all the uplift and love. So...Hna Stratton received the scarf this morning. It was funny b/c I held onto the package thinking it was to me then looked down and saw it had her name on it. ha ha. But she was very excited. She said "it's my favorite color! Did you know that?" I said yes. She said "you're sly." Te he. She is actually wearing it right this moment. Very well done.
I'm super grateful that Hna Stratton is my companion. We've had one or two hard moments this past week but we are learning so much together and it is just fabulous. I wanted to make sure you knew that as I may have sounded a touch discouraged before. And mom, Hna Barnes was not transferred, she was part of the exchanges. I'm sorry I typed the wrong word and confused you.
Well. Today's subject line comes from Juan Ricardo as he called his sister to the door to talk with us. I was laughing and excited. We've been called "the hermanas" and "las muchachas" and "de la iglesia" but never "The girls from the Bible." te he he. We've had some fun experiences this week....and some tough ones.
Yesterday Hno B Romero told us he is not going to be baptized because his dad wants him to stay in the Catholic religion. Yeah, he is an adult man with 4 kids but family ties are strong. We'll see if he changes his mind as he continues reading, attending, and helping his two daughters prepare for baptism. we feel it is likely.
A neat moment on Sun night with a teenager (I forgot the word in English!) named Juan was when he asked "What has God done for you?" And I thought and then realized that the answer was "He's given me the Holy Ghost." How cool is that?! We've all received the gift of the H.G. The greatest gift God can give us. And with my time on the mission and my efforts to receive and follow the H.G. I KNOW it is the greatest gift. It will help us to develop Christlike attributes and align our will with God's -- our purpose in this life -- so that we can return and receive eternal life. So amazing! I love the gospel and I love our Savior Jesus Christ. And it's so great to be a missionary. 1 Nephi 6:4 called my attention (very Spanglish) this week. Nephi is great and I'm so grateful for the efforts of all the prophets.
Thanks for being such great examples to me. I hope you had a great FHE last night. We surely did. With Family Ramirez. One sister is RS pres and the other was but is now inactive but...she was at church! Sweet. We had a good visit on Sat and she told us she knows what she needs to do and that she needs to do it. We have a strong connection as our first visit was "mourning with those that mourn" and we've continued visiting our entire time here. So yeah. Last night we did trust falls and talked about faith. Osvaldo stole the show. He's a great, trusting 11-yr old. And he reminds me of Chez in some ways. Kind of a teddy bear image. I'll get a pic, don't worry. And I took a quick pic of the RS sisters this past Sunday. We had a pretty good turnout of 15 :) Now my request is that Mum take on of our ward and send it to me to show to them. How's that for a trade?
We had interviews with Pres. Cook on Fri and it was pretty great. I just wanted to know how to help him more. He turned it back and said "keep doing what you're doing." Smooth. I said my only concern was if I am a consecrated missionary or not because I feel that I haven't quite arrived there. He said "oh Hna Green, you are a consecrated misssionary." So that was good to hear. He also said in passing "I wish all my missionaries were as diligent as you." I just had to shrug and say "I don't know. I just am who I am." But don't worry fam, I'll keep working hard!! There are people to save.
Ha ha. Yesterday Hna Stratton and I talked about how truly this is an emergency situation and we are in the ambulance. And as we left the house she made ambulance noises :) Then as we knocked on a door we softly said "We're here to save you." And the best one I whispered to the door and the people behind it "Do you want to be saved?"
Sadly the cooking opportunity did not work out. We went over and they were home but not ready to cook. We talked for a bit and I was unhelpful because was just really disappointed. Hna Stratton did her best to testify and teach. And I meant that we did service for the son outside his house by helping him fill little pots with dirts as he is working to start up a nursery. I don't know what I say sometimes....just learn Spanish, ok? I'm going to come home and totally speak Spanglish. I hope you have dictionaries handy. And last night I realized the mission has better prepared me to be a mother and wife -- I'm ok with ironing (in fact I almost like it) and I really want to know how to cook. How great is that?! A little side benefit along with the other huge ones that I've received. Man. Life is great. MISSIONARY life is great!
So glad everyone is well, healthy (mostly) and busy. Dad, I didn't know Venezuela was that dangerous. Wow! Armored cars and special bodyguards. How fun. I guess you could say that I have angel bodyguards...
Oh yeah. Last week we had a district activity. Hna Stratton purchased Mouse Trap at the thrift store and I had so much fun playing it! But sadly we were missing crucial pieces like marbles. I was still able to catch the mouse a few times so I was super content. Te he. I was just going off and excited - apparently I needed a release. Who knows. I have a few pics that you'll receive..eventually.
Another scripture that I found that really helped me this week is in D&C 64:33. We can't tire of doing good! We are laying the foundations of a great work. And from little things God brings about great things. Like sharing your testimony, or belief statement, with someone. Like giving them a smile. Or a "thank you" verbally or written. It all makes a difference!! I love you and encourage you to do all of those things. You are the bestest family and I'm so grateful to have you supporting me.
Can you believe we'll give real hugs soon and not just virtual ones? I'm excited for that. And to come back so you can know all my friends and loved ones. And I'm excited for Thailand. Man, I have too many good things in life. (which isn't to say that I don't have any trials :)
I sure love you!! Keep up the great work as children and servants of God.
Hermana Green
PS JJ, I received your letter -- THANK YOU!! It was very good and uplifting.
Mom, the avocado is just as expensive in the stores here. Sad, huh?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

18 January 2011 - I had a good subject line . . .

Hola familia!
Buenos dias de bonito Fallbrook. It may or may not be in the 80's and I'm sitting in the nice new library that has over a dozen computers. Yep, rockin sweet. Missionary life? Pretty great. I just love it. (and the sunshine makes it even better).
I love you guys so much!! Thank you for all the support. I recieved the little package with Mum's letter and Dad's letter. I was very happy about that. I believe Dad's letter arrived Wed. - go figure. Thanks for the BYU-I article. Hna S was very interested in it as well. It seems we were up there about the same time. Small world! Well, I wanted to tell you that Fallbrook has MOUNTAINS. Yeah, in some ways it is like I am back home. And yet not. It is beautiful country here. We went out to Bonsall/Oceanside area yesterday and were just struck by the beauty. Oh - Fallbrook is the avocado capital of the US (and maybe the world) and there is a big replica of one hanging up in the new library. It cracks me up. We also learned there are lots of tomatoes and strawberries. Oh yum! And we love having a truck - it just feels right when we go out into the fields. But when parking...well, I'm pretty good at it now.
What else to tell ya - oh. We met a family from Guadalajara. They're Catholic but I have high hopes for them. It started as we served the married son outside on Sun afternoon. We helped him put soil into little pots. He's working to start his own ..nursery. And we chatted. He's open and searching but very busy. We stepped inside to wash our hands and met his mom. Her eyes were just calling to us - they had a convert look in 'em, we feel. :D And we talked a bit and she agreed to help me with my huge wish of learning to cook. We're going over tomorrow to learn caldo de pollo y verduras. Sa-weet! I'm just so excited for this connection. Remember how you told me Guadalajara is the place to live? Yeah, I haven't forgotten. So that is our new creative way to find investigators. I've been asking lots of people to teach me to cook. Some are willing but the time limitation is hard. Others aren't willing. I think they just think I'm a touch strange. But I'm super sincere! I want to learn to cook --- and right here I have tons of fabulous Mexican cooks within my reach.
Phew. Some investigators are well and others aren't. So it is. But here's a line to make you all smile inside: MISSIONARY LIFE IS GREAT! he he. Thanks for the quote about smiles, Dad. I wrote it down to keep.
Fun story about Hno Munoz -- I totally had a mini battle in my head with HF during the lesson about the date to invite him to be baptized. We had talked and planned of one but I felt we needed to say a different one. Hna Stratton too felt we needed to say a different one (but it was the same date) but then a random date (that isn't a Sat) came out of her mouth. And the Spirit did the job so that Hno Munoz heard the date that we both felt we should say. And then I repeated it and the Spirit confirmed this date to Hna Stratton. (I had already ended the battle by resigning myself to the greater wisdom of HF). Sweet! So 26 Feb. It's gonna happen. We aren't sure why it's so far away but we're gonna do our best. He was in Sacrament meeting and afterward he was helping to gather and organize the hymnbooks :)
Mum, don't have a pic of the RS sisters for you. I didn't have the guts to ask for it this week and we ended late. I'll do it next week.
I just LOVE the BoM. I've already re-started it. I just couldn't not be reading it. :D It's the bestest book ever. I love giving it to people as a gift. If they would live the teachings found therein they would have peaceful, happy, fulfilling lives. And reach the inner goal that I think all of us has to return and live with God our loving Father.
Thanks for all the updates on the home front. I'm excited you met with the Steels again. They sent good Christmas letters again. And really good news about Dad's busy schedule. I'm excited to visit Thailand again. OH! Lhing's mum can teach me to cook Thai food.....sweet :) Yes, Mum you told me about Anne selling Sweet Afton's and I'm sad but still going to visit. With Hna W. And Hna Barnes wasn't transferred - we just had the exchanges. Still confused?
Dad, Mum asked me if I am becoming more like you. And I responded that yes indeed I am. It has good things and bad things :) And I think overall it's all good. It's just funny to realize how similar I am to you. Life's great. You're a great example. Thanks for all you do. And for your love and support.
4 of the 10 missionaries here in Fallbrook are Spanish speaking. And they've decided to flip our Sun schedule around so that the primary and YM and YW can be combined with an English ward. They are just so baby. And there is limited manpower. It should be interesting. It's good news for one of our younger investigators. Yes, Mum. One of our less-active members and her investigator son have a wood-burning stove. And I've adapted to the smell. It's part of the charm of Fallbrook :)
I can't believe my time is so close to ending. I can feel it in the back of everything. But I'm mostly ignoring it and doing the best I can. I've finally mostly figured out how to be a missionary. And yeah. This is the true church that is directed by Jesus Christ. FHE rocks and is absolutely essential in these days to build and strengthen our families. Keep sharing your beliefs with others. And send 'em to It's a super fab website. We were allowed to explore it this past week. I could stay there all day!
I love you all so much. Scripture? 1 Nephi 2:3. The best definition of obedience I've found in the scriptures: do as the Lord commands. And I know it brings happiness and peace! Keep being fabulous.
Hermana Green

11 January 2011 - Hola Hola!

Hola Familia!
Ok, I don't like thinking about or saying this but the next transfer day when I will have to say farewell to SO many of my friends and leave a piece of my heart behind is Mar 23th, I think. (3rd or 4th Tues in March -- sorry don't have a calendar that goes that far with me right now). And so I'll get home on Wed. I get to serve more than 18 months :) I had no say in it at all. Pres Cook talked with Hna/Sis Denker and she said "the later option, of course!" and as we came out together, we go home together. Pretty sweet. So yeah. Please don't ask any more about it, thanks.
I am working to 'sprint' but in a way that Hna Stratton can too She is a good missionary and works hard. It's fabulous! We are very alike and yet so different. She has served 5 transfers in Oceanside/Carlsbad with 2 different companions. And it is a first to have someone older than me. She served a mini mission I don't know when for about 6 weeks and learned lots there. Her parents are divorced, her only brother claims to be an atheist and I think her mom isn't too active but her dad is. And she has a degree in Psychology from...BYU-Idaho! Oh si. Then she went to Africa for a time for service (?) and was living in Washington DC working.
[Yes mum, I am slowly or quickly becoming very much like Dad.] And Fallbrook continuously smells like a fire. Which I like but had to resolve myself to just always smelling that way (something I don't like much). And it is a fun mix. We're enjoying it. They are opening a much bigger library soon which will be so great. We have 10 full-time missionaries in this little town -- so many! And a library with 3 computers. Yeah, crazy. And yes, this whitewash has been the easiest one because Hnas Davis and Pechin left great info with lots of stickies. :)
The biggest lesson = live the spirit of the law not just the letter of the law. And thus the lesson I've seen repeated throughout my mission: LOVE makes anything and everything possible. It's just the truth! Thanks for always loving and supporting me. You guys are great! (Even though I haven't received a letter from home in weeks. JJ- you said you sent one?)
Exciting news from this week: exchanges! It was super fabulous and great. I went to Vista with Hna Weatherford (who trained Hna Stratton and was in Oceanside/Carlsbad right behind me- love the small world). It really was such a great 24 hours. We had a night of miracles. A member came with us and we had 2 Spirit-filled lessons with brand new investigators. I feel such a connection to one of them. I wish I could keep teaching and knowing her. It seriously was neat. She is ready and looking for the help and the church. Yeah, Hna W has such ENTHUSIASM. It was pretty awesome. She's from Spanish Fork and we plan to go visit Sweet Afton's when we're both home (she's only 1 transfer behind me). And she loves Thai food! Sweet. So does Hna Stratton. I already told them they have a place to stay when they go visit Bangkok :)
Oh yeah. Hna W was super impressed because I gave away a Chastity pamphlet. It was kind of funny. I didn't do a great job because I dodged the topic and just gave the pamphlet and testified it is a true principle and there are many blessings. I actually gave it to Jorge, a young man just out of high school. He he. I wonder what kind of impact it will have. I'm probably in Hna W's journal for that feat.
What else can I say? It was just great to be with her and in Vista which I've heard so much of. And we made a great team. It was fun. I have some pics to send ya eventually. And the great thing on this end (Fallbrook) was an incredible lesson with a man that Hna Stratton and Hna Barnes found praying outside the church just minutes before Hna W and I arrived to do evaluations and switch back. We entered the building and talked more with him. He's excited to begin reading the B of M and says he has come to the church often to pray. Wow. Hna Barnes first words as Hna W and I walked up to them: "How do you say gold in Spanish?" So we shall see!!
Our investigators are doing pretty well. Not doing quite what we'd like them to do, but we continue forth! We had a fun lesson on David and Goliath with an ironing board and marshmallows. Hna Barnes & Stratton came up with the idea. 5 stones = prayer, scripture reading, attending church, testimony, and baptism. Classic quote I'm loving: "The gift of the Holy Ghost will help them defeat their giant." Thank you Hna Barnes! She is a super new missionary. Only been out about 2 weeks and already had a transfer! Hna S said she is a great missionary and follows the Spirit well.
So basically missionary life is super great! And I love being a part of the true church and helping others to learn of the truth. I am about to finish reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish - one of my mission goals. In some ways I don't want to finish because I don't want to not be reading the B o M. But I have plans on how to re-start reading and studying it :) So the scripture that called my attention this week (sorry I didn't have one last week!)
Moroni 7:41 We have hope through the Atonement that we will be resurrected to eternal life because of our faith. So incredible that Jesus Christ has done his part and is willing to help and guide us complete with our part so we can receive these great blessings that God has promised and is anxious to give us. I KNOW the Book of Mormon is true and we can feel God's love and draw closer to Him by studying it (daily). I love this book and have loved sharing it with people. Lately I've said it straight out: this is the best gift I could give you.
I'm happy to hear everyone is well and busy. Good luck JJ with your schedule. Sounds super hectic! Sorry Dad about the luggage headaches. And Dad, if you are still in Thailand I would like a turquoise scarf to send to Hna Weatherford. We were only comps for 24 hours but it was fab and I feel like we were comps longer. Thanks again, Dad, for doing the cards for Hna/Sis Denker. I know she'll appreciate them. She is actually training in English work in Vista. We're in the same stake! Oh yeah. I just love her lots.
Well, I can't think of what else to say even though I'm certain there is lots more. OH! I would like full details on this FHE. And Shantaye still owes me details on her NYC trip I do believe. .... ? Way to go Chez on the ACT. That is a decent score. You want to apply to Stanford?! You rock! I still think I should've applied just to see... so go for it! Don't have a regret. Mum - I'll work on the pic of the RS sisters. We had a few more this 2 more? he he.
Well, time's basically up.
Hermana Green

4 January 2011 - Comin at you from . . . driving a . . .

Hola familia!
La vida es muy buena, divertida, y rapida! Wow. Okay. So I am coming at you from Fallbrook, CA. A little town of paradoxes - I like it lots. I'm serving in a baby branch. Yikes. I'm really pumped to help them grow into a ward. But it is a huge change from my last area with all its member support. The president only marked 20 families/individuals as active. Wow. Church was so small. Outside of us and the secretary and counselor, there were 5 sisters in RS. Crazy no?
And my companion is Hna Amy Stratton from Connecticut/Washington D.C. She is pretty great. We have quite a few things in common - and enough differences to make compromises and learning necessary. It's good :) She is actually older than me - 26. And things really are good, she just moves at a slower pace and I'm pumped to just sprint to the finish. We've talked about it and I'm working to slow down and work smart. And be patient and loving. She refuses to be 'guilted' into anything.
We actually WHITEWASHED this area behind Hna Davis (went home) and Hna Pechin (in San Juan Capistrano) which is crazy. It has REALLY stressed out Hna Stratton. It is her first area change and she wanted anything but a whitewash. Oh well! We got what we got. We're going to have success - I know it.
And I'm driving a TRUCK now. How crazy is that? It cracks me up. We have some serious boony area in our area. Should be great fun. Search for Bonsall and Rainbow on google earth and let me know what it looks like. We've only stayed in town so far - but we do have members and one family of investigators out there in Bonsall/Oceanside. It's a 2011 Chevy. It's nice but it has taken some getting used to. I parallel parked the other day and it didn't work out super well :) now I'm not so sure if I really do want a truck of my own. I miss my little car. I was good at parallel parking!
Wow. So much I'd like to tell you! It has been a good first week. I feel like I'm in Idaho again with the cold and instead of snow I have rain. Not so fun. I'm super grateful for tight exercise pants that I hide under my skirts and my red coat and blue scarf.
We have some promising investigators which is super awesome. Last night we had two great FHEs. I just LOVE them!
So. Familia Romero. Dad already has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and is pretty ready to go. We realized we can also help the 10 and 8-yr-old prepare to be baptized with him. The mom is a less-active member. And then there are 2 rowdy little boys. It sure is fun! Another marriage is required but I'm very hopeful.
And then Hno Munoz who lives with his sister and bro-in-law who were baptized in April. Hna Stratton was impressed in a lesson that we need to be here helping him at this time - neat! And so we shall. He is intelligent and willing. And he's living with members which makes things so much better! Support and examples.
Phew. Well. We have lots of less-actives we are working to know and help return. And I like this area. It is a small town...and yet not. And it is mostly guerro....and yet not. The Hispanics are all mixed in which is great fun.
So I may have mentioned already that a great blessing of my mission is that I have developed a LOVE for the Book of Mormon. I really have. I would love to just sit and read it lots....but that's not how it goes :) I know it is the word of God and as we follow its teachings we will achieve our personal quest of salvation. I just love the gospel! And I love sharing it with other people. Missionary life is really great. I've stayed smiling and patient in this change. And it's just so much better that way!
Oh, this is my 4th time doing a whitewash and in the transfer meeting Pres. Cook said "we rarely whitewash sisters. It shows how much confidence we have in you." Huh. All I've ever done is whitewash!! So crazy. I asked him about it and he just smiled and told me to help Hna Stratton know how to do it when I'm gone. *sigh* Luckily Hna Davis and Hna Pechin did a great job. This is the easiest whitewash I've done. And Hna Merrill is still there in San Marcos. And her companion is Hna Goff! It's such a small little world here in the mission :) Hna Goff was my companion in Mission Viejo and before that she was here in Fallbrook for a really long time.
Well. Thanks for the updates on everyone. I love you all super much! Mom, you are completely forgiven for forgetting to e-mail me. It stopped bugging me pretty quickly after it began. But about all those updates -- I need more info! Like about Aubrey and Brenda. What are those girls up to? Didn't know about either thing. Yes received a good letter from Steels. Was thinking Natalie and Jordan would be expecting soon :)
The mission actually had 12 people baptized Christmas Day. 5 in our ward. Sweet! I do miss the members and investigators back in San Marcos but I've already adapted and feel great love for the members and investigators here. I'm excited to work with them.
18 April to return? I don't know. Sounds fine. I'd rather not think about it. I don't like that my time is coming to an end :( I knew nearly half of the missionaries going home in the transfer meeting which made me feel really old. Way to go, Dad on not getting upset! That is impressive.
I am SMILING! And I'm going to go print pics soon :)
LOVE YOU! time's up.
Hermana Green

28 December 2010 - New Companion/New Area

Publish Post
Hermanas Stratton and Green
Fallbrook, CA

25 December 2010 - Baptisms!

25 December 2010 - Baptism of Hna Mercado

Baptism - Christmas Day

Baptism - Missionaries and New Members