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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

16 November 2010 - Do I stay or do I go?

Hola Familia,
The verdict is that I stay here in San Marcos and Escondido. Should be good. We're excited about helping many friends enter the waters of baptism soon. The ward council didn't really like the idea of a baptism on Christmas Day but said it should be possible. We just have to keep working with Hna Mercado so she is all ready to go. She is still a touch hesitant, but still pretty great. She loves us lots which is just fascinating. It's interesting how we come to love people so much as we serve, love, and teach them!
I am doing well even though have borderline sickness. Ugh. We're having hot days and cold nights. I'm thinking about buying a coat because the cold has just begun and I'm really truly cold - even with three jackets. Yikes. THANKS mum & Shantaye for the purse package. It made me so happy yesterday morning. The purse seems to work out okay. Not quite as big as I'd like. And thanks for sending all these packages. Sorry I've asked for so many little things lately. Just count the postage on my Christmas budget :) I'll probably receive the journal package tomorrow as it'll be handed out today at the transfer meeting. AND Hna M was excited for the treats for her. Great job in sending duplicates! I really liked the foreign kitkats. Te he.
Well, well. This week we were able to meet and teach a wonderful new sister, Hna Z Ortega. She is pretty great. Then later we dined with her neighbor who is an inactive member (and actually loves us already because gave us scarves before we left thinking one of us would transfer and not see her again. Precious.). Anyway, her neighbor said Hna Ortega talked about how she was grateful and really enjoyed our meeting. We stopped by last night and were able to meet her husband and can hopefully teach both of them tonight. And she wants to feed us already. Sweet! Love it.
The leadership training meeting was pretty great. Then we went to ward council on Sunday and I realized it takes time to apply new teachings :) We continue thinking how we can better help in such a situation. We have excitement this coming Sunday - Elder L. Whitney Clayton is visiting the ward!! And so they told us all to be there at 10:30 am. Yep, Latinos are famous for being late. It should be a great experience. And this past week was the primary program which was so great. I loved how the children had so much enthusiasm when singing "Siga al profeta" (follow the prophet) and "El vive si!" (Yes, He lives). We also had a great lesson on baptism in Relief Society. Hurrah.
Hna Merrill was volunteered by our mission president to sing in the stake's annual Christmas event. It's held at the Escondido Center for the Arts and sells out all the 1200 tickets each year. Sa-weet. We visited the coordinators today and she "auditioned". They were impressed and she'll be the final piece. !Oh si! So now we get to hype that up and see how many investigators we can get there. It'll be Tues 21 Dec. Yeah. We only have a little proselyting time on Tues night and so that Tues will be interesting as all the time will be taken by the performance and prep. We'll see. Hna M is grateful for an opportunity to use her singing talent. She surely loves to sing. I've learned that the best thing to do if she's having a rough moment is sing.
We had some success this weekend - an inactive member and her non-member boyfriend and their cute little baby came to church on Sunday after our Sat. afternoon visit. Sweet!! It was pretty great. And our investigator Hno Alferez is doing pretty well. He listens to and reads the Book of Mormon at the same time. It helps him focus and understand which is great. I'm grateful for all the amazing technology we have!
Today in my studies I was struck by Helaman 5:12 in thinking of how it doesn't say we won't have problems when we're faithful and built upon the rock of Christ. It says we'll have strength and ability to withstand and overcome WHEN ALL of Satan's forces are coming at us. Wow. What awesome promises and strength! I love the gospel and I love striving to live it as I teach it to all the great people here in this area.
THANK YOU for all your love and support. And that everyone is well and flourishing. Yes, Pres. Cook knows Spanish very well. He served in the Mexico West Mission. We were talking to him one day and he got really excited when a word came back to his memory. Te he.
Love you all super much! Thanks for the love and support. It wouldn't be possible without you. Keep on being awesome.
Hna Green

9 November 2010 - Todo en espanol

Hola Familia!
Recibimos un text en esta semana diciendo que tenemos que hacer todo en espanol. Como si fueramos en una mision de espanol. Que bueno!
Yep, know you can't all read that. Maybe most of you can catch the gist. We received instruction this week to do everything in Spanish. Study, letters to President Cook, everything. So it feels off to write you in English and write in my journal in English. But it's all good! :D
We had some neat things this week. Hna Mercado semi out of the blue told us she is thinking of being baptized on 25 December. Ha ha! We were pretty surprised and excited. She still wants to work some things out and feel completely ready. All those times we invited her she told us she would tell us when she was ready. And she surely did. Te he. I likely won't be around, but that's okay (we haven't mentioned that to her yet. I don't know how she would respond.) And we were able to eat dinner with her which was great. She didn't put any chilis in it because of my weak stomach (Did I tell you I had one really bad night and think it was because of spicy food earlier in the day? Yeah. Now I just say I don't eat picoso (spicy?) food. People laugh but are accommodating. Hna Merrill is learning to enjoy chilis. She eats them plain even.)
Yep. And then we had stake conference this week. 2 investigators there Sat. night and 2 there Sunday. Hurray! Pres & Sis Cook spoke which was super great. They did it together and talked of how we need to think about, pray about, and talk about missionary work. And be ready to receive and follow the Spirit's guidance. They gave examples from their lives. I just love them! And again I received a big hug from Sis. Cook. I've asked for a few hugs lately explaining that I need them from the Hermanas around me because my mum isn't here :) So don't you worry! And you can go hug Shantaye to receive your hug from me ;)
The weather is being crazy here. Reminds me of Utah. Hot one day and cold the next. But we continue forth. Our ice cream man investigator is still doing well but doesn't feel ready for baptism. We are working to understand just what else he needs. He he. He feels like my grandpa and it's pretty great. He is very willing to help. He even joined other hermanos in cleaning the church building last week. So great.
Hmm... I know that other things happened that I could share but I am struggling to remember them at this moment. Hna Merrill and I are working to improve because we feel our teaching is lacking and that our investigators deserve better. We taught a lot this week which was pretty neat. One older gentleman we talked to this week said "I'm sorry to say it but I think you two are going to heaven." The first response that came out of my mouth was "That's what we're working for!" He he. And so it is. Along with trying to help all those around us know how they can arrive there too. I love you all and know that we have the fulness of the truth. What a great blessing indeed. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He loves us and cries when we cries. He supports us in our righteous actions and expects us to do our very best. Elder Zwick talked about how Heavenly Father expects constant improvement. So we don't have to get down on ourselves when we don't do great. We recognize what went wrong, make goals and plans to improve and continue forth with our heads held high.
We too have the opportunity to attend the leadership training meeting because Pres Cook wants us to know how things should go in ward council. Good to hear everything is busy and great back at home. I love you all so much and am so grateful for all your love and support!
THANK YOU THANK YOU for the package. It made me so happy. The new shoes are basically broken in now. We've talked lots of gratitude recently because the stake presidency talked of that in Stake Conference this week. And a few times when we've said things we are grateful for I have said my new shoes. I LOVED the little treats and you did it perfectly by sending two of everything. Hna Merill was grateful too. Yes, we got our flu shots. No I don't love them. And yes it cost $30. Oh well. The church wants us to be healthy and strong to do the Lord's work.
PS Have I mentioned how I love FHE. Because I do! We had a good one with Desteny and her parents last night. She actually asked "doesn't it make you sad when people say they don't have time?" Oh how perceptive she is! It often makes me quite sad. She tried to show us a neat science trick, but it just sent water all over the place. It was super cute to see her laughing and laughing. She reminded me again of Shantaye. And speaking of, way to go on the volleyball mis chicas! I want to play volleyball again. Mom, do I qualify for the woman's bracket now? I'd probably be right there with you in soreness. I'm relatively fit in some ways but probably not in volleyball ways :) Chez, thanks for the great letter. Made me so happy. I think you and Shantaye have been my most faithful writers my entire mission. You rock! I'd give you a gold star but you don't really need it. You can pat yourselves on the back.
Kevin and his family were at church this week which was super great. Well, not his dad because he works. Tonight we'll have an FHE with them which should be super great! We're still waiting on the baptismal date, but it'll happen. We are teaching a young single adult hermana and it is fun how when we begin our lessons with a song a bunch of her little cousins come into the room. Yeah for the power of singing in bringing the children! Actually, we've started singing before we eat dinner with members because then we use the time well and are actually able to share something with them. It is fun. Last night I felt like I was working for my food :) I sing, you put a little food in my hand and I go to another house. No, not really. Hna Pena came through for us amazingly on Sat. when we showed up to eat with her sister's family (they live together in one house) and her sister wasn't there. I asked for and received a quesadilla. Yum.
We had a good lesson in the church on Friday with a very smart investigator, Hno Suarez. He's from Colombia. But he's very busy and can only meet about every 1.5 weeks. Not ideal. It was great to be inside the church with two members. And we talked of church meetings and what it's like. I think he will attend church soon. We hope so!
Bueno, no puedo pensar en algo mas. (Can't think of anything else.) Next week we'll know if I stay or go. Dun dun dun!
Scripture: Mosiah 16:9 Jesus Christ is the light of life. Just as I mentioned before, I know that we can avoid being in darkness and confusion as we follow Him and His perfect example. I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have. And the scriptures that teach us of Him. I love the Book of Mormon and still feel limited in my ability to explain the amazingness of this book to people on the street. They just often don't understand!
Love you all so much. This week, I invite you to work on being more grateful. That's what I'm doing here in Southern Cali.
Hermana Verde

2 November 2010 0 One of the best letters ever . . .

Hola Familia!
It's always funny the delay in our sharing moments. You respond to last last week's events and I'm struggling to remember al lthat happened just last week so I can share it with you. But am SO grateful for the opportunity to e-mail you. And I'm grateful for your prompt responses.
So one of the best letters I've ever received was yesterday from my former companion Hna Goff who is still serving in Mission Viejo 5th Ward up in Orange County. It said something like this:
Hna Green! Sorry this is going to be a short letter. I am writing to tell you something amazing. You changed someone's life. Guess what...
Hna Zehuancatl is getting baptized on Friday, 29 October!
I love you. Hope all is great in Las Posas. Take care! Love, Hna Goff.
HURRAY! You remember hearing about Hna Z?! She took such great care of me on my b-day? Yeah. How awesome to fairly securely know that she was baptized this past weekend. Wow. Hurray! I wrote her a letter while waiting for a computer today. I'm excited for all of you to meet her soon. Yes Mum, I only have something like 4 or 5 transfers. I have no clue how it is November. I came to the mission field one year ago today. Wow. The time has flown by. And I do need to be better about talking to everyone. *sigh* I don't know Dad about transfers. I'm ready for some changes. Hna M and I are pretty similar which actually makes things a little harder at times :)
The mult-zone conference was pretty great. We greeted Pres & Sis Zwick and I got an awesome hug from Sis Cook. Then we talked and learned together for hours. I was not called on for anything. And he didn't end up interviewing anyone. Hna Merrill sang and it rocked the place because invited the spirit so strongly. I was very impressed with Pres & Sis Zwick. We learned lots together. They were full of love and appreciation for us. And he talked about how right at that time the Brethren were in the Salt Lake Temple and they would be praying for us. Wow. Humbling. I actually don't remember tons of what I learned at this very second. I'm trying to stretch my little brain and think of lots of different, fabulous things. PS Found out that my current zone leader Elder Packer is the grandson of Pres. Boyd K. Packer. Huh. He actually returns home soon. OH! It was so great to see some old companions and hear of their love for me. I just love them and it was a needed boost to visit with them quickly. Hna Pechin, Hna Davis, and Hna Denker were all there.
There was another baptism on Sunday evening. Hurray! Hno Montiel (the ice cream man) was able to attend which is great. We think he is really close to being ready for baptism. Hurray. He is like our grandpa - so cute. He actually gave us ice cream one day when we saw his van and followed and parked so we could say hi and buy some. Ha ha. It's pretty great teaching an ice cream man.
Hna Mercado is in her 60's I would guess. She is still doing well, but no date. We need to invite her with a specific goal, honestly. She just moved houses. And she just loves us. It is so interesting. She gets excited to see and greet us at church. She had a bright lime green sweater this Sunday and I loved it. It helps represent the happy changes that have taken place in her life.
I had an interesting experience on Sat. We met an Atheist who kept denying that God exists. The burning in my heart from the Spirit was so neat to experience as I firmly affirmed that God exists and is our loving Father. We didn't talk to Junior for very long because it seemed we were all firmly set with our understandings. I did walk away and feel like I had an Alma-Korihor experience. Kind of neat to LIVE the Book of Mormon along with read it.
And then that morning we were able to "place" our first Book of Mormon. At least that is the first time that phrasing came to mind for me. We checked on a gentleman and talked with him and his wife. They were very curious about the Book of Mormon but not fully willing to learn and visit with us because they are Christian and JW representatives visit and teach them about the Bible :( They kept the copy of the Book of Mormon and we shall see. I felt it was a good visit. It is just hard when people still miss the amazing-ness. They didn't want to confuse themselves since they had just started down the path with their church. *sigh* Ups and downs of missionary life!
Yes, there is a form for the exhchange evaluation. No, my comp and I don't tract every week. We have been busy lately with appointments and we just walk around the neighboorhoods and apartment complexes where our friends live and talk to people that way. Tracting is tricky in this area where we overlap with English missionaries. Going to most neighborhoods wouldn't be fruitful for us. And in the apartment complexes it seems we meet most people just because we are there often walking around. Another rewarding moment was yesterday when our JW manager friend at one complex greeted us and said "It's always good to see you around here. Go get 'em!" I knew he was our friend but it was great to hear that he appreciates our work. I LOVE working with so many great people!
PS We were safe on Halloween. We returned home at 6:30 pm and studied. I read lots in my Spanish Book of Mormon and read some conference talks. And yesterday a few people gave us some of their Halloween treats so we got the best of both worlds :) Good to hear everyone had a good time at Gma's party. Even Dad who took a nap. And hurray for leaves clean up! We had some cold days but the past few have been hot again. Is it really November? Hard to believe at times when I grew up with better defined seasons :) Enjoy the snow!!
Yes Dad, I know that people would rather avoid us. It's interesting to think how that is totally my nature as well. I probably wouldn't want to talk to missionaries and now I am one! I'm grateful to serve the more humble, open people of the Spanish culture. Many will stop and talk of God for a good 5 minutes if they have it.
Way to go kiddios on the good score reports. Keep up the great work! It will pay off, that's for sure. And remember to enjoy the moments now. Life is all about learning. Learning is fabulous. It is about time for me to sign off.
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Have a great week and keep working hard. And have FHE! It's fabulous. We had two last night, in fact.
Hermana Green

Monday, November 1, 2010

26 October 2010 - The danger of saving your draft

Hola Familia,
Lo siento mucho. I saved the draft of the e-mail for some good reason and then totally forgot to send it. I realized it as soon as read Dad's e-mail so sent it off to you. Don't even know if I had finished it. Oops! I'm sorry.
So, we had a pretty good week. A big adventure was the exchanges with the English sisters. It was good because it got me re-excited about missionary work and removed my fear of tracting. Mostly I just want people to give us a few moments to get to know us and listen to how much God loves them and is giving them the gospel. We had some good moments, some not-so-kind-people moments, and lots of no-answer moments. :) One lady was pretty upset with us for knocking a second time after ringing the first time. The door was flung open and she said "I am NOT interested and that is why I didn't answer the first time." Then powerfully closed the door. My response was and is the same "I was ignorant and you're getting mad at me for it?!" "How was I to know you weren't interested when you didn't open the door and tell me so?" Yeah. I just want to become her friend and help her see the reasoning and the silliness - like yelling at a child for disobedience when they honestly don't know better. But all is well. I hope she can embrace the joy and truth soon. I love her.
Also, I had the opportunity to be in a member home for the night - that was super weird. A single older lady is who they live with but it was the weekend so some of her family was visiting. A little grandson and TV. Strange things I am not used to being around :) Good to know the world goes on. I was asked to evaluate one sister. It is strange to be the "older" missionary. And somewhat respected it seems. But I have so much to improve on still! Ah well, Heavenly Father is loving and patient and life is on-the-job training, for sure. One thing is that I am grateful for your teachings, mostly on how to drive well and safely.
This Thursday we have the great honor of a multi-zone zone conference with Elder Zwick of the 1st Quorum of the 70. Should be pretty exciting. He wants to greet each of us individually and he'll call on some of us to practice teaching in front of everyone AND he'll randomly interview a few missionaries. We shall see....
This ward is doing super well and breaking records which is AWESOME. We have member help and they are out doing their part as missionaries which is why (I believe) we're having such success. They put on a wedding this past weekend at which lots of our investigators were found - but not us. We actually had two really good lessons that night. Truth be known, I am VERY excited to return and experience a Latin wedding. !Oh si!
One thing I have realized is that one of my "mission miracles" is one of the investigators we are currently teaching -- Hermana Mercado. She has made so many changes and found so much joy through the gospel. She has told us she now has a family at church, she loves attending and feels it when she isn't able to, and she soaks up all the things we invite her to read. Nearly snatched a pamphlet out of my hand yesterday. :) Oh and she trusts us and shares her feelings with us. It is just wonderful to reflect back on when we first met her when we arrived here and the current her. I LOVE the gospel and the changes it brings to lives of humble seekers of truth. Heavenly Father is so merciful!
Thank you, thank you for being living examples of his love. And for living the gospel so I could learn by word and by example. I am grateful to have opportunities to help others have the richness in their lives that we have as members. So happy to hear you are all doing well and keeping busy.
What else shall I share with you this week? Hm...We've had some fun in the rain, but haven't gotten too wet which I've really appreciated. And yes my shoes aren't good to walk on but they are more comfortable than my other black ones. It's good to hear you found the same ones and they are on the way. Thank you! Yep on sweater sizes -- medium junior and small misses. Not too heavy or bulky, please. I can't think of any clothing I would like sent back. I don't think I have a purse in my stash that will fit the requirements I'm dreaming of. You don't need to worry about it, actually. I will work with what I have. That is one huge lesson of the mission for me! Learn to use what you have and make it work. I think it would take me personally a long time to find just the kind of purse I'm dreaming of. So never mind! Scratch it from the "list". And I hear you about having too much stuff and not wanting to move. That's why one secret desire/goal is to live like a missionary all my life - thinking I might have to pick up and move in 6 weeks. We'll see how it comes out in practice :) We're in week 4 of the 6-week transfer. Nov 16th is the next day of transfers. We shall see what the Lord needs of me.
The scripture I found this morning is in Alma 38:8-9. It struck me that Alma first had to cry out to the Savior for help before he was relieved of his pain and given a remission of his sins. In other readings I've realized that the only way "out" is through the Savior. And the incredible news is that He is expectantly waiting for our reach and our call. Because as verse 9 says He is the only way. I love Him and am so grateful I can better learn how to be like and serve Him and His beloved children as I am a full-time missionary. I love you all very much and am grateful for your love and support.
Take care! And keep sharing the truth and happiness of the gospel. Everyone needs it.

Hermana Green

21 October 2010 - Humility

Hola Familia!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all the love and support! I needed it again. You are fabulous. I meant to request for you to send blips of your testimonies my way to help strenghten me. And actually, I would like to hear all about Priesthood from those that were there (cough). I haven't heard much about it honestly.
This week was good with lots of lessons and member help still. They really came through for us on the weekend and we had one investigator and her two little daughters at a baptismal service and at church. We still need to visit with the dad who has his own Christian church but they seemed to enjoy the events. And then members brought a new investigator to church. Hurray! I think it is much better for them to start off their learning by coming to church the first week. Then (hopefully) they have less reasons not to go since it is just what they do. We shall see.
It has been rainy lately, but we have been well taken care of. This morning was the Haynie breakfast at the stake president's house. Oh yum. Delicious food and great spiritual thoughts. Pres. Haynie talked of "old" missionaries keeping the childlike faith. I think I really need to work on that some more. As you continue going on and seeing lots and people don't do as they saw they will, it gets a touch discouraging. But I just have to believe in them and trust the power of the Spirit to give them the strength to press forward.
We had quite a few lessons this week and this current week looks busy because we have lots of investigators to take care of. And a whole day is knocked out from 4:30 Friday to 4:30 Sat as we will be on exchanges with the English sisters and working in their area. How fun is that?! I've always wondered about exchanges :) And now I'll get to experiment them. But in in English work. Scary. It will be so uncomfortably good for me.
We had a great FHE last night with Desteny and her family. Hurray! They were all excited and all participated. And we found out they have to wait about 3 more months for the wedding and baptism :( Not great but we do have a goal now. She is pretty great. I printed pics today and will send them your way :D You're welcome. Last night I got really excited about reading in 3 Nephi 11 with them about the Savior coming to visit the people. The Spirit was strong and I was excited. I've had some neat experiences reading that part with investigators. Oh and Desteny was funny when she said "Oh I get you now. The prophets wrote down the words of Jesus in there [Book of Mormon] so He didn't have to be writing all the time." Ha ha. She is super smart! And reminds me of Shantaye more and more. Have I mentioned that?
I found a formula for obtaining salvation in my reading this week: Alma 32:13. humility and repentence which yields mercy and enduring to the end with the end result being salvation. Hurray! Look it up and see what you can learn.
We also taught a very humble couple on Sun. afternoon. They are from Guatemala and don't know much, they say, but are smart and very willing to learn. They speak a dialect and the wife is still working to learn Spanish. They have twin boys that are almost 18 months. They are cute. It was a neat lesson. I love when people ask questions because then we know what we need to re-explain!
Well I'll smilingly take off now. Sad news, but good is that our district leader is changing his responsibilities today in the middle of the transfer. It's Elder Kendell who reminds me of JJ. He is going to become a third assistant I believe and go on exchanges with all the Spanish speakers. Sweet!
I love you all so much and am glad you are well. I am too. I will try and work even harder this week thinking of you and your sacrifices so I can be here having this incredible experience.
Heavenly Father loves and guides us in all we do! Keep being obedient and following the Spirit. It is crucial in life and so rewarding (while tiring).
Love you, love you.
Hermana Green