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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

9 November 2010 - Todo en espanol

Hola Familia!
Recibimos un text en esta semana diciendo que tenemos que hacer todo en espanol. Como si fueramos en una mision de espanol. Que bueno!
Yep, know you can't all read that. Maybe most of you can catch the gist. We received instruction this week to do everything in Spanish. Study, letters to President Cook, everything. So it feels off to write you in English and write in my journal in English. But it's all good! :D
We had some neat things this week. Hna Mercado semi out of the blue told us she is thinking of being baptized on 25 December. Ha ha! We were pretty surprised and excited. She still wants to work some things out and feel completely ready. All those times we invited her she told us she would tell us when she was ready. And she surely did. Te he. I likely won't be around, but that's okay (we haven't mentioned that to her yet. I don't know how she would respond.) And we were able to eat dinner with her which was great. She didn't put any chilis in it because of my weak stomach (Did I tell you I had one really bad night and think it was because of spicy food earlier in the day? Yeah. Now I just say I don't eat picoso (spicy?) food. People laugh but are accommodating. Hna Merrill is learning to enjoy chilis. She eats them plain even.)
Yep. And then we had stake conference this week. 2 investigators there Sat. night and 2 there Sunday. Hurray! Pres & Sis Cook spoke which was super great. They did it together and talked of how we need to think about, pray about, and talk about missionary work. And be ready to receive and follow the Spirit's guidance. They gave examples from their lives. I just love them! And again I received a big hug from Sis. Cook. I've asked for a few hugs lately explaining that I need them from the Hermanas around me because my mum isn't here :) So don't you worry! And you can go hug Shantaye to receive your hug from me ;)
The weather is being crazy here. Reminds me of Utah. Hot one day and cold the next. But we continue forth. Our ice cream man investigator is still doing well but doesn't feel ready for baptism. We are working to understand just what else he needs. He he. He feels like my grandpa and it's pretty great. He is very willing to help. He even joined other hermanos in cleaning the church building last week. So great.
Hmm... I know that other things happened that I could share but I am struggling to remember them at this moment. Hna Merrill and I are working to improve because we feel our teaching is lacking and that our investigators deserve better. We taught a lot this week which was pretty neat. One older gentleman we talked to this week said "I'm sorry to say it but I think you two are going to heaven." The first response that came out of my mouth was "That's what we're working for!" He he. And so it is. Along with trying to help all those around us know how they can arrive there too. I love you all and know that we have the fulness of the truth. What a great blessing indeed. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. He loves us and cries when we cries. He supports us in our righteous actions and expects us to do our very best. Elder Zwick talked about how Heavenly Father expects constant improvement. So we don't have to get down on ourselves when we don't do great. We recognize what went wrong, make goals and plans to improve and continue forth with our heads held high.
We too have the opportunity to attend the leadership training meeting because Pres Cook wants us to know how things should go in ward council. Good to hear everything is busy and great back at home. I love you all so much and am so grateful for all your love and support!
THANK YOU THANK YOU for the package. It made me so happy. The new shoes are basically broken in now. We've talked lots of gratitude recently because the stake presidency talked of that in Stake Conference this week. And a few times when we've said things we are grateful for I have said my new shoes. I LOVED the little treats and you did it perfectly by sending two of everything. Hna Merill was grateful too. Yes, we got our flu shots. No I don't love them. And yes it cost $30. Oh well. The church wants us to be healthy and strong to do the Lord's work.
PS Have I mentioned how I love FHE. Because I do! We had a good one with Desteny and her parents last night. She actually asked "doesn't it make you sad when people say they don't have time?" Oh how perceptive she is! It often makes me quite sad. She tried to show us a neat science trick, but it just sent water all over the place. It was super cute to see her laughing and laughing. She reminded me again of Shantaye. And speaking of, way to go on the volleyball mis chicas! I want to play volleyball again. Mom, do I qualify for the woman's bracket now? I'd probably be right there with you in soreness. I'm relatively fit in some ways but probably not in volleyball ways :) Chez, thanks for the great letter. Made me so happy. I think you and Shantaye have been my most faithful writers my entire mission. You rock! I'd give you a gold star but you don't really need it. You can pat yourselves on the back.
Kevin and his family were at church this week which was super great. Well, not his dad because he works. Tonight we'll have an FHE with them which should be super great! We're still waiting on the baptismal date, but it'll happen. We are teaching a young single adult hermana and it is fun how when we begin our lessons with a song a bunch of her little cousins come into the room. Yeah for the power of singing in bringing the children! Actually, we've started singing before we eat dinner with members because then we use the time well and are actually able to share something with them. It is fun. Last night I felt like I was working for my food :) I sing, you put a little food in my hand and I go to another house. No, not really. Hna Pena came through for us amazingly on Sat. when we showed up to eat with her sister's family (they live together in one house) and her sister wasn't there. I asked for and received a quesadilla. Yum.
We had a good lesson in the church on Friday with a very smart investigator, Hno Suarez. He's from Colombia. But he's very busy and can only meet about every 1.5 weeks. Not ideal. It was great to be inside the church with two members. And we talked of church meetings and what it's like. I think he will attend church soon. We hope so!
Bueno, no puedo pensar en algo mas. (Can't think of anything else.) Next week we'll know if I stay or go. Dun dun dun!
Scripture: Mosiah 16:9 Jesus Christ is the light of life. Just as I mentioned before, I know that we can avoid being in darkness and confusion as we follow Him and His perfect example. I'm so grateful for the knowledge I have. And the scriptures that teach us of Him. I love the Book of Mormon and still feel limited in my ability to explain the amazingness of this book to people on the street. They just often don't understand!
Love you all so much. This week, I invite you to work on being more grateful. That's what I'm doing here in Southern Cali.
Hermana Verde

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