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Monday, November 1, 2010

26 October 2010 - The danger of saving your draft

Hola Familia,
Lo siento mucho. I saved the draft of the e-mail for some good reason and then totally forgot to send it. I realized it as soon as read Dad's e-mail so sent it off to you. Don't even know if I had finished it. Oops! I'm sorry.
So, we had a pretty good week. A big adventure was the exchanges with the English sisters. It was good because it got me re-excited about missionary work and removed my fear of tracting. Mostly I just want people to give us a few moments to get to know us and listen to how much God loves them and is giving them the gospel. We had some good moments, some not-so-kind-people moments, and lots of no-answer moments. :) One lady was pretty upset with us for knocking a second time after ringing the first time. The door was flung open and she said "I am NOT interested and that is why I didn't answer the first time." Then powerfully closed the door. My response was and is the same "I was ignorant and you're getting mad at me for it?!" "How was I to know you weren't interested when you didn't open the door and tell me so?" Yeah. I just want to become her friend and help her see the reasoning and the silliness - like yelling at a child for disobedience when they honestly don't know better. But all is well. I hope she can embrace the joy and truth soon. I love her.
Also, I had the opportunity to be in a member home for the night - that was super weird. A single older lady is who they live with but it was the weekend so some of her family was visiting. A little grandson and TV. Strange things I am not used to being around :) Good to know the world goes on. I was asked to evaluate one sister. It is strange to be the "older" missionary. And somewhat respected it seems. But I have so much to improve on still! Ah well, Heavenly Father is loving and patient and life is on-the-job training, for sure. One thing is that I am grateful for your teachings, mostly on how to drive well and safely.
This Thursday we have the great honor of a multi-zone zone conference with Elder Zwick of the 1st Quorum of the 70. Should be pretty exciting. He wants to greet each of us individually and he'll call on some of us to practice teaching in front of everyone AND he'll randomly interview a few missionaries. We shall see....
This ward is doing super well and breaking records which is AWESOME. We have member help and they are out doing their part as missionaries which is why (I believe) we're having such success. They put on a wedding this past weekend at which lots of our investigators were found - but not us. We actually had two really good lessons that night. Truth be known, I am VERY excited to return and experience a Latin wedding. !Oh si!
One thing I have realized is that one of my "mission miracles" is one of the investigators we are currently teaching -- Hermana Mercado. She has made so many changes and found so much joy through the gospel. She has told us she now has a family at church, she loves attending and feels it when she isn't able to, and she soaks up all the things we invite her to read. Nearly snatched a pamphlet out of my hand yesterday. :) Oh and she trusts us and shares her feelings with us. It is just wonderful to reflect back on when we first met her when we arrived here and the current her. I LOVE the gospel and the changes it brings to lives of humble seekers of truth. Heavenly Father is so merciful!
Thank you, thank you for being living examples of his love. And for living the gospel so I could learn by word and by example. I am grateful to have opportunities to help others have the richness in their lives that we have as members. So happy to hear you are all doing well and keeping busy.
What else shall I share with you this week? Hm...We've had some fun in the rain, but haven't gotten too wet which I've really appreciated. And yes my shoes aren't good to walk on but they are more comfortable than my other black ones. It's good to hear you found the same ones and they are on the way. Thank you! Yep on sweater sizes -- medium junior and small misses. Not too heavy or bulky, please. I can't think of any clothing I would like sent back. I don't think I have a purse in my stash that will fit the requirements I'm dreaming of. You don't need to worry about it, actually. I will work with what I have. That is one huge lesson of the mission for me! Learn to use what you have and make it work. I think it would take me personally a long time to find just the kind of purse I'm dreaming of. So never mind! Scratch it from the "list". And I hear you about having too much stuff and not wanting to move. That's why one secret desire/goal is to live like a missionary all my life - thinking I might have to pick up and move in 6 weeks. We'll see how it comes out in practice :) We're in week 4 of the 6-week transfer. Nov 16th is the next day of transfers. We shall see what the Lord needs of me.
The scripture I found this morning is in Alma 38:8-9. It struck me that Alma first had to cry out to the Savior for help before he was relieved of his pain and given a remission of his sins. In other readings I've realized that the only way "out" is through the Savior. And the incredible news is that He is expectantly waiting for our reach and our call. Because as verse 9 says He is the only way. I love Him and am so grateful I can better learn how to be like and serve Him and His beloved children as I am a full-time missionary. I love you all very much and am grateful for your love and support.
Take care! And keep sharing the truth and happiness of the gospel. Everyone needs it.

Hermana Green

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