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Saturday, January 22, 2011

18 January 2011 - I had a good subject line . . .

Hola familia!
Buenos dias de bonito Fallbrook. It may or may not be in the 80's and I'm sitting in the nice new library that has over a dozen computers. Yep, rockin sweet. Missionary life? Pretty great. I just love it. (and the sunshine makes it even better).
I love you guys so much!! Thank you for all the support. I recieved the little package with Mum's letter and Dad's letter. I was very happy about that. I believe Dad's letter arrived Wed. - go figure. Thanks for the BYU-I article. Hna S was very interested in it as well. It seems we were up there about the same time. Small world! Well, I wanted to tell you that Fallbrook has MOUNTAINS. Yeah, in some ways it is like I am back home. And yet not. It is beautiful country here. We went out to Bonsall/Oceanside area yesterday and were just struck by the beauty. Oh - Fallbrook is the avocado capital of the US (and maybe the world) and there is a big replica of one hanging up in the new library. It cracks me up. We also learned there are lots of tomatoes and strawberries. Oh yum! And we love having a truck - it just feels right when we go out into the fields. But when parking...well, I'm pretty good at it now.
What else to tell ya - oh. We met a family from Guadalajara. They're Catholic but I have high hopes for them. It started as we served the married son outside on Sun afternoon. We helped him put soil into little pots. He's working to start his own ..nursery. And we chatted. He's open and searching but very busy. We stepped inside to wash our hands and met his mom. Her eyes were just calling to us - they had a convert look in 'em, we feel. :D And we talked a bit and she agreed to help me with my huge wish of learning to cook. We're going over tomorrow to learn caldo de pollo y verduras. Sa-weet! I'm just so excited for this connection. Remember how you told me Guadalajara is the place to live? Yeah, I haven't forgotten. So that is our new creative way to find investigators. I've been asking lots of people to teach me to cook. Some are willing but the time limitation is hard. Others aren't willing. I think they just think I'm a touch strange. But I'm super sincere! I want to learn to cook --- and right here I have tons of fabulous Mexican cooks within my reach.
Phew. Some investigators are well and others aren't. So it is. But here's a line to make you all smile inside: MISSIONARY LIFE IS GREAT! he he. Thanks for the quote about smiles, Dad. I wrote it down to keep.
Fun story about Hno Munoz -- I totally had a mini battle in my head with HF during the lesson about the date to invite him to be baptized. We had talked and planned of one but I felt we needed to say a different one. Hna Stratton too felt we needed to say a different one (but it was the same date) but then a random date (that isn't a Sat) came out of her mouth. And the Spirit did the job so that Hno Munoz heard the date that we both felt we should say. And then I repeated it and the Spirit confirmed this date to Hna Stratton. (I had already ended the battle by resigning myself to the greater wisdom of HF). Sweet! So 26 Feb. It's gonna happen. We aren't sure why it's so far away but we're gonna do our best. He was in Sacrament meeting and afterward he was helping to gather and organize the hymnbooks :)
Mum, don't have a pic of the RS sisters for you. I didn't have the guts to ask for it this week and we ended late. I'll do it next week.
I just LOVE the BoM. I've already re-started it. I just couldn't not be reading it. :D It's the bestest book ever. I love giving it to people as a gift. If they would live the teachings found therein they would have peaceful, happy, fulfilling lives. And reach the inner goal that I think all of us has to return and live with God our loving Father.
Thanks for all the updates on the home front. I'm excited you met with the Steels again. They sent good Christmas letters again. And really good news about Dad's busy schedule. I'm excited to visit Thailand again. OH! Lhing's mum can teach me to cook Thai food.....sweet :) Yes, Mum you told me about Anne selling Sweet Afton's and I'm sad but still going to visit. With Hna W. And Hna Barnes wasn't transferred - we just had the exchanges. Still confused?
Dad, Mum asked me if I am becoming more like you. And I responded that yes indeed I am. It has good things and bad things :) And I think overall it's all good. It's just funny to realize how similar I am to you. Life's great. You're a great example. Thanks for all you do. And for your love and support.
4 of the 10 missionaries here in Fallbrook are Spanish speaking. And they've decided to flip our Sun schedule around so that the primary and YM and YW can be combined with an English ward. They are just so baby. And there is limited manpower. It should be interesting. It's good news for one of our younger investigators. Yes, Mum. One of our less-active members and her investigator son have a wood-burning stove. And I've adapted to the smell. It's part of the charm of Fallbrook :)
I can't believe my time is so close to ending. I can feel it in the back of everything. But I'm mostly ignoring it and doing the best I can. I've finally mostly figured out how to be a missionary. And yeah. This is the true church that is directed by Jesus Christ. FHE rocks and is absolutely essential in these days to build and strengthen our families. Keep sharing your beliefs with others. And send 'em to It's a super fab website. We were allowed to explore it this past week. I could stay there all day!
I love you all so much. Scripture? 1 Nephi 2:3. The best definition of obedience I've found in the scriptures: do as the Lord commands. And I know it brings happiness and peace! Keep being fabulous.
Hermana Green

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