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Monday, December 6, 2010

30 November 2010 - Baptisms!

Hola Familia,

Yeah, yeah. I speak Spanglish. What can I say? Yes, I feel my ability to speak has improved. I try to think in Spanish as well. It's fun. Pres. Cook says my Spanish is good and investigators have said the same. That's great because they need to be able to understand us in order to really be converted and learn and live the gospel.

I love the gospel! It really is just the greatest news. And I love you, my family. And I love all the people I am working with and teaching - my new family.

So exciting news: Hno Montiel will be baptized this Sunday at 7 pm! And his son who was baptized in May should be able to perform the ordinance. Super awesome. His son joined us for the FHE last night which was pretty great. He is very grateful we've helped his dad. We're grateful for his example. He took his dad to church with him for months before we were called in.
I received a letter from Hna Goff (my former companion in Mission Viejo) and she said that yes, Hna Zehuancatl was baptized. ! And also Luis - the son of Elizabeth Nunez. Remember them? Yeah, super awesome. Hna Nunez wants to be baptized in this month which is awesome. Her husband Hno Pacheco is currently in Mexico so yeah...don't know about him. Hna Goff says they (these 2 hermanas) still talk about me and I have to go back and visit after the mission. For sure!! I'm excited for that. And Hna Z said I could stay in her house in Mexico when I go visit there...sweet!

I did receive a letter from JJ today. Muchas gracias hermano. Fue muy bueno escuchar de usted. Y gracias por escribir todo en espanol. Cuando regreso voy a aprender hablar en tu con usted. Esta bien? Ahora, prefiero usar "usted form" porque es lo que debemos usar casi siempre..

And I received another letter from Shantaye which was great. And the announcement for Cara. Yeah! It was the most beat up envelope I've ever received in the mail - ripped and crinkled. So sad! I wonder if it got stuck in the machines.... Oh well. It still works okay.

Anyway. This week was pretty good. Not super great and not bad. Exciting as we prepped Hno Montiel for his interview. And Hna Mercado is still well but has a family crisis currently so we're a little on hold and praying lots for her. We have a new family we are working with and they seem pretty promising. Hno Milian and his girlfriend Hna Martinez. She is a less-active member with a pretty strong testimony. And they have a little 7-month old boy. She seems quite excited to help him learn. And he seems willing which rocks. They were at church this Sunday which was great.

What else, what else. I am still sick. I felt I was nearly better then last night I got smacked with a really sore throat. And I have a chest cough now. One surprised me in the middle of the prayer this morning - it was pretty funny. Kind of like a sunder thunder burst. Yikes. I do have some Vicks that was in the cupboard. And since when do I have a red pea coat?! I have no idea what coat you sent me. I had a grey trouser dress coat that was my second one in college. I was pretty sure that still lived, but I don't remember.

I can't believe I have such short time left. Not cool! I have reverted to saying "one year" when asked how much time I have in the mission :) It's true, right? I don't like when they ask the flip question of how much time left, but what can ya do?

One scripture I found this week that really struck me was in 3 Nefi 5:13. Mormon says he is a disciple of Christ and has been called to declare the word to all so they can achieve eternal life. (Or something like that. I know it better in Spanish since that's how I read it.) It struck me that that is me! Well, all of us as members. But espeically it's true for me as a full-time missionary. THANK YOU for all your love and support throughout this whole time. You guys are just the bestest!! Love you tons.

We did some Thanksgiving caroling this week which was pretty fun. Nothing really came of it but now we have ideas and experience so we can do better during Christmas time. Should be such fun! I love this time of year because I feel even more love - coming from nearly everyone. And I feel like it came super fast. So many people have their trees up and I feel like they shouldn't yet. But I guess you guys do too. Ah well. So it is.

Oh yeah. Thanksgiving was pretty good. Not many lessons but some! And we gave some people muffins. Te he. We had dinner with the Atempa Family. It was tasty. And fun. They are a great family. Tonight we'll work with them to set a goal they can all achieve so Kevin can be baptized. Hurray!

I have done the before-dinner activity with two dinners then I completely forgot. I'm sorry! I will work to remember again. It was a good experience the other two times. Helped me learn the attribute of patience because I was anxious to start eating! We have a limited time for dinner and often they don't start setting the table until we arrive...sigh. But it was good. We did it on Wed and Thu night.

MUM- received the package with the face cream. Thank you! It was crazy expensive. And why are there 2? I won't be able to fully use even one in the time I have left. Oh and the box was huge and I was surprised since I only expected the cream. Thanks for the other treats. They were perfect. Hna M was really excited, too.

Um, I can't think of anything else at the moment. I hope all is still well. Thanks again for the love and support! You all rock. I love you and know God loves each of us. I know Jesus Christ lives and I love that I know that and can share it with other people. How incredible that He knows how we feel and is there to support and strengthen us.

Love you!

Hermana Green

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