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Saturday, October 23, 2010

12 October 2010 - Comin' at you from Escondido!

Hola Familia,
I'm in the Escondido library today instead of San Marcos. Yeah for changes (not really, but there is nothing I can do about it so I'm working to just smile). The internet wasn't working at the other library so we came here and got another library card - I now have 4 from serving my mission. Pretty funny.
All is well here. Hermana Merrill and I are working with lots of investigators. And we had quite a bit of member help in this past week which was pretty great. And we had a lot of people at sacrament meeting. Hurray! Desteny was confirmed. She is cute and a great example. Her parents should be able to work everything out soon so they too can be baptized. They received some green lights about more green lights in the near future. Double hurray.
Other investigators that we love aren't doing as well. We keep on loving them and praying for them. And we have some interesting situations in which we really have to follow the Spirit to plan for and teach these people according to their needs and abilities. Sometimes it gives me a little headache. But it really is great because Heavenly Father knows them and can teach and guide us in our efforts to help them find the only path back to him. Kevin is pretty well and saw a baptism this past weekend so he is less scared about his own. :) Interesting that a bishop has the members perform the baptisms. I understand how that would help so much with bonding. But it is pretty great for the missionaries to do it.

I am working to keep smiling. I re-set that goal earlier today when we were reading a talk by Elder Callister about being a consecrated missionary - one who gives his all and holds nothing back. I know that is what Heavenly Father wants and expects. And it is what I'm working to do. I am so far from perfect at it! But I love that through prayer we can talk with our loving father who knows us individually. We had a neat testimony-sharing time in district meeting where we talked of why we came on a mission and why we are here now. It was neat to hear stories of the elders and how the Lord guided them to this point. I re-realized that I'm here for the same reasons as why I came: to help others experience the changes the gospel brings. I love that we can continually learn and improve! I am frequently making mistakes but don't have to get too down about it because I can correct and change as soon as I realize my error.
We shared the story of the Savior blessing the Nephite children (see 3 Nephi 17) last night in an FHE. It was neat to see how He took and blessed them ONE by ONE. I think one of my favorite parts in the First Vision is the phrase "calling me by name" because it shows that Heavenly Father really does know who we are.
Did I mention that Hna Merrill loves to sing? Because she does. And so we sing. And she is my free jukebox at times. I get to make selections and she goes off singing. te he. It is incredible the power of music in inviting the Spirit, calming us, drawing people to the area, and re-focusing our minds and hearts. I'm loving it. She sang in our district meeting yesterday and it set the tone well.
I'm glad to hear that you are all well and keeping busy. What kind of a part time job is it, JJ? Go, Chez, go! Are you a co-captain or something? I remember hearing whisperings of that once upon a time. And I received your letter. When did you grow up? It's awesome, but a touch strange. Shantaye - are you still taking good care of Mom? She said you helped again with decorations for Halloween. Nice one. We have already seen some fun decorations. This holiday seemed to come so fast. Just last year I was celebrating it in the MTC with my district. Has it really been a year since I left you all, or more correctly you left me at the MTC?! Wow. Good luck with the trade show, Mom and Dad! I'm sure it'll be great busy fun. And it does sound like a neat thing to be a part of. What did you think, Chez and Shantaye?
The scipture that struck me earlier this week is in John 13:14. The Savior washes the feet of His disciples - not a very pleasant task and especially back then with the sandals and dusty roads they were always walking. And then He taught "so ye also ought to wash one another's feet." It struck me to think of how we need to love people SO much that we will serve them in any way - even the tasks that seem unpleasant. And so I invite you to re-dedicate yourselves with me to serving and loving all those around you. Everybody! And like Dad says give 'em a smile so they wonder why you're smiling. Hna Merrill has that goal because she wants to give everyone a little gift of a smile. (She is well and appreciates your greetings.)
Loves and hugs,
Hermana Green

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