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Sunday, October 10, 2010

28 September 2010 - Conference Weekend - wahoo!

Where has my home gone? Te he. It seems the homefront is changing so much - I might not recognize it when I get back :) That's great that you are improving it and keeping Dad busy. Still unsure about the purple front door. I guess I'll have to see it in person before I make a judgment. Thank you, thank you for the pictures.
Leadership training was pretty great. Ended up being only 3 days because all the churches were booked for RS activities before the broadcast. It was awesome! We got up way early and went with 1/3 of the missionaries in the missionary to learn about and practice teaching by the Spirit. We did learn some great things we know need to apply. I know it will help our teaching tons and more importantly, help the investigators better come unto Christ. One fun activity was when we went around to 14 different stations and practiced just talking to people naturally in whatever situation and then inviting them to learn about the gospel. We're working to de-robotize! Hna Merrill and I started applying it right away and it was neat how people do open up more as we ask questions and learn a little about them before explaining who we are and what we do. One of my favorites was when Hna Merrill complimented a lady's eyeshadow. And I think she was more open because of it. Funny, huh? But whatever works to help them learn the truth.
There has been a crazy heat wave here or somethin'. SO hot the past few days! We keep going and semi-complain about it. And drink lots of water.
The RS general mtg was Awesome. None of our investigators made it, but we did! And we had delicious sandwiches at Panera Bread before (then there was a dinner provided afterward - go figure) Actually, I forgot. Hna Dolores Lara came with her friend from the English ward. And we talked afterward and the prophet's talk really struck her because she came to the meeting with questions and concerns about judging others. As one elder said in movies they showed us at trainings: "I'll put my money on the prophet." (These movies are about a district of 8 missionaries in San Diego showing their great teaching after they had trainings. And some moments of not-so-great teachings. And the trainings we are receiving are all the things that worked for them! It was great to watch and learn from their mistakes and good things.)
Oh and here's exciting news: Hna Lara is going to drive us to Rocio's baptism tonight. Woo hoo! Rocio who lives with Mari Arango and her family in Oceanside. I was told at the last day of leadership meetings that I was invited to attend her baptism. I'm pretty excited. It will be great to support them. And Hna Lara and her family (hopefully they come with) can see a baptism!
Desteny is pretty excited for her baptism Sunday night. And we are too. What a great way to complete conference weekend. Which should be super awesome - we're very excited and working to help others be excited too.
Kevin was at church with his family this week which was great. He really likes doing the dot-to-dot pictures that Hna Merrill makes for him - when he reads a verse he can draw a line. :) And Fam Sangerman hasn't been contacted since last Sun :( And they did not attend this Sunday - not sure what is going on. But we love them and will work to keep building a relationship of trust. One plan we have is to make cookies for some of our investigators :) We've been wanting to do it for a while but haven't been able to. It should work today as we borrowed a cookie sheet from our neighbor and will buy the last ingredients. I'm so excited for oatmeal cookies!!
Oh yeah - the hermano Jose that said he had been waiting for us to come and teach him is doing well. We didn't see them for a time, but had a good lesson a few days ago. And we're going to give them a church tour this weekend which should be neat. The Hermana really wanted to attend church this past Sun but they didn't get back from Mexico in time. They said definitely this week. Hurray.
I just started talking to an elder about Hna Lara and now I've lost my train of thought. Hm.. well, we are going to have another district activity today which should be fun. AND thanks for the updates on the family. I would love to be there for the Hawaiian haystacks. I haven't had those in quite a few years on Conf weekend. Yum! Enjoy the time with the fam. I was happy to think of the females watching the exact same thing on Sat night. The picture of the Cheney family was great. The boys are SO big. How and when did that happen? Awesome that Chez had fun at a dance - since when can you date?! Man, time is slipping by. Or more accurately, running by. But all is well. I was happy to see your date's modest dress. And you look tall and skinny. :) Hey JJ - what's up? Haven't heard from you since life got busy...
I love you all very much. Scripture for today: D&C 21:5 We should receive the words of the prophet as if from the Lord's own mouth. Conference will be awesome!! Love you. Keep up the great work as disciples and representatives of Christ. LOVE is the key - love is the key.
Hermana Green

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